My Little Bear

Saturday, September 20, 2014

I finally snapped some preschool photos of our Parker. 
Four weeks late still counts for start of the year photos, right?
I'll just hashtag these #secondchild

Is he not just so adorable?!!! 

For the first three weeks he yelled "No No No'" every time we rolled into the preschool parking lot and then proceeded to wail when I left him with his sweet teachers.
But his teachers assured me he stopped and started playing within 2 minutes of my departure.
I know this is true because when I would pick him up I would spy from the window and he was always playing and having fun. Then the moment he would spot me he's turn on the waterworks and run for the door. 

But as of this week he can't wait to go to school.
He saunters in as if he owns the play - tossing a casual "Hi Teacher" over his shoulder before jumping on the tricycle and taking off around the play yard. 

Yesterday I left him stay for lunch for the first time. 
My goodness was he proud of that Spiderman lunchpail. 
He insisted on carrying into class and putting in his cubby all by himself.

Oh, Little Bear, we do love you!


Hollands Reverie said...

Oh my yes he is adorable!! Love that blonde hair!

Oma said...

Aw ww, such a big boy now. Love him!

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