Friday Favorites

Friday, February 10, 2012

There are few things quite as annoying as children's music.
I will occasionally put on a kids station while listening to Pandora but until recently I had refused to endure the sing-song lyrics of Raffie while driving. 
Then I heard Landon bust-out a mildly inappropriate Katy Perry lyric from his carseat; and I realized it was time to rethink my priorities.
My girlfriend had given me two Seeds of Encouragement CDs months earlier gushing about their wonderfulness. "These CDs are not only easy to listen to but actually enjoyable," she insisted. "Plus, both my daughter and I are learning scriptures through the songs."
And I have to admit - she was right.
The Seeds CDs are rockin'.
Just straight scripture set to music they are absolutely not annoying - I actually really enjoy a few of the songs.
They're help me memorize more Bible in the past month that in the past ten years AND I get the sweet pleasure of hearing a tiny two-year old voice belt out 
"Do not be anxious, about anything..."
Plus, I've taught Landon that each song is about God, so he asks me what each one means and it has opened up wonderful conversations.
You can find the CD's here at Seeds Family Worship.
We have Seeds of Encouragement and Seeds of Courage
Landon and I both like Seeds of Courage a bit better but both are excellent.


Jessica G. said...

I may just have to check these out. I have been trying to switch to Christian music, but its hard. The other day a Christian rap song came on and the lyrics (and horrible rap) had me laughing so hard I was crying.

Tim and Debra said...

Thanks for the suggestion. Mia is enthralled with music. I have one CD with "if you're happy and you know it" bhah blah blah. We listen to it over and over and over again in the car. It is funny because she will be fussing in her car seat and the moment I turn on that CD she is all laughs. So 3 hr car drives get quite sickening listening to the CD non stop. But on the other hand I have a happy baby in the backseat. No other music will do the trick. I think I will work on the transition to something different! My ghetto music of choice doesn't quite do the trick. Too bad because she is too young to understand anything at this stage!

Linda Z said...

Thanks for the recommendation. I'm going to have to check it out! :)

Ryan and Camille said...

Great suggestion! We don't have anything at all yet and we really could use something better for the car.

Anonymous said...

Glad you found something both you and Landon can enjoy :) I'll have to check them out outa curiosity. But I am a bit surprised you're not rocking out to Salty & gang (or whatever it was called).

Tracy Frue said...

I JUST discovered Seeds Family Worship this afternoon and was wondering if I should invest--coincidence that I peeked onto your blog tonight? Thanks ladyfriend!

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