chocolate chips are good in the morning

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I'm heading up north next week to spend some time with my family.
And while I am away I'm going to be attempting doing some work on the blog.
So don't be alarmed if you come by to check for a new post and you get a glaring ERROR message;
I'm probably just screwing something up in the backend and cursing at myself.
The idea is to go "dot com" with a new URL. 
(Because I'm just that big now.)
RJ's never loved that I have my full name in the URL
and since Jessica is in the process of creating a new banner for me (hooray!) I figured
it was a good time to switch the URL as well.
But don't worry (b/c I know the idea of not being able to get to my blog causes major anxiety in your life) IF I do everything correctly when you type in the 
annahosking.blogspot you will be magically linked up to the new site.

In the meantime, I'll leave you with pictures of my adorable child who told me this today:

Mommy: "Landon, you are the best!"

Landon, in all seriousness: "yah."

And who I caught both in the chocolate chip bag yesterday and chomping from the plate of cookies first thing this morning. 
He's so much like his mother.


Ryan and Camille said...

nice legs- in the last pic anna... ; )

Jessica G. said...

Look at you, doing an upgrade! I love the beach pics and am just a slight bit jealous of you going to the beach in January!

Two Cent Sparrow.
Template by Labina | Blog Styling by Jess Roy.