I just have to give a quick shout-out to my Mom for all her help with Landon. For 10 days she cooked, cleaned, grocery shopped, made me snacks, watered plants, did laundry, cuddled (Landon and I), burped, consoled, diapered,comforted, shared wisdom, prayed, and entertained. Thanks Mom for all the help! I wouldn't have made it physically or emotionally without your support during those first few crazy days of transition into motherhood. I'll never forget how talked me up during my day five melt-down. A girl is never too old to need her Mama.
And thanks to my in-laws Richard and Kristie for a great visit! More great food, cuddles for Landon, help around the house, great wine, ass-kickin' vinegar, and moral support.
And finally, thanks Dad for 2 hours of solid rocking in the middle of the night. That first night home was rough (for some of us :) ); I know your grandson loved the bonding!
More pics for the grandparents....
What a wonderful family you got there! I am loving that your dad stayed up with Landon for two hours in the middle of the night...I think that is totally sweet! Glad your family has been around you to help out with the transition to parenthood. And, one random question, in that last picture you posted, is that a huge bag of used diapers in the background? That's what I thought it was, and it made me laugh!
So true. How wonderful for you to have all the wonderful help. Hang in there Anna, motherhood is definitely a hard journey, but its the hard days that make the good days even better.
Moms are amazing...I need mine on a regular basis too! You need and appreciate them so much more once you are mom. Landon is really cute!
precious! Yes.... mom's are amazing, we all need them.
Mom's are amazing for sure!! :) You are going to be an amazing one, too! Your love for Jesus will spill onto all the little ones you have!! :)
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