SEVENLY - shopping with a cause

Thursday, December 5, 2013

I'm currently putting together a Gift Guide for Him since I find shopping for the men in my life (husband, dad, BIL, etc.) to be the most difficult. Would any else agree??? I struggle every year. 
 But, I've found some awesome stuff and I'm hoping to have the guide done by Friday.

However, I just couldn't wait to share this new site I've found:

(She Breaths Deeply is featuring awesome prints on her blog this week and my favorite one is from this site. I'm so thankful she lead me to it.)

For every item purchased on Sevenly's site they donate $7 to the charity of the week.
This week they're raising money for Operation Christmas Child.

I LOVE charity driven purchases (I think I have 4 pairs of TOMS). 
And what I'm particularly thrilled about Sevenly is that their merchandise is great. They've teamed up with some of my favorite brands including Baggu, Dogeared, Krochet Kids and more. 
It's stuff I would buy even if it wasn't charitable. 

Here's a few things I've got my eyes on:

This print is what drove me to the site in the first place. It would already be hanging in my  house if it wasn't sold out

So I think I'll hand this one instead

anchor braclet

Boy Scout doormat. My boys need to see this everyday

West Coast coasters

How much does Landon need this beanie!
*I recieved absolutely no compensation for this post and I was just eager to share my find!

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