the brotherhood

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Parker adores his big brother.

He wants to do everything Big Brother does. He follows Landon around the house mimicking his every movement. In the morning when they're both brushing their teeth Parker tries to spit into the sink (despite the fact there is no toothpaste on his brush) just like Big Brother does - except the sink is two feet taller than him so he just spits down the front of his shirt. 

I have to give Landon credit for really having so much patience with his Little Brother. He's already a way better Big Brother than I ever was a Big Sister. He often includes Parker in games and helps him fill his water cup. He likes to teach Parker things - such as shooting baskets in the yard or how to convert Transformers. 

But, of course, they fight. They fight over Mama. Parker is particularly nasty when he feels like Landon's getting a bigger portion of Mama's lap during story time. Landon (naturally) is infuriated when Parker destroys his Lego creation. During wrestling matches someone is inevitably hurt, angry and crying every time. Parker bites and Landon hits. Its not unusual to hear Parker screaming in anger when Landon swipes his toy or Landon yell, "You are a bad baby" when Parker rips his book. They are brothers trough and through. 

But, they really do love each other. And seeing moments like overwhelm my heart with gladness and joy. It is such a big prayer in my heart that they would always be friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to Halloween. Got my costume ready. Last time I went trick or treating was 20 yrs a go. I wonder if Landon will share candy with his Oma?

Two Cent Sparrow.
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