These past few days it's been all three.
I've been waking up early for nearly a week. It's a habit I tried to start at the beginning of the year and quickly fell away from. But, I'm trying to bring it back and it's been so awesome. I am loving my time with the Lord before the kids rise. The quiet time of reading and writing (I'm a prayer journaler) is so lovely - it really helps motivated me to throw off the warm covers when my alarm goes off (so does the smell of the coffee pot brewing.) However, I am definitely more tired at night which makes sitting down to blog difficult.
Also, I've really taken my friend's advice to heart and we have been living at the beach. We went Friday, Saturday and Sunday this week. I love it. The kids love it. RJ loves it. Winning all around!
We borrowed our friends Beater Board for Landon and he loves it. A Beater Board (see: The Original 54" Beater Board- Twin Fin
Finally, I have been reading Beautiful Creatures. A young adult fantasy series. It's no Twilight but I'm really enjoying it. (I.E. - I've been using all my spare moments to sneak in a few more pages.)
Since I have no photos from this weekend he's a random one of RJ and Parker one year ago. Those baby cheeks!! |
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