Parker's Birth Story

Monday, May 21, 2012

The most wonderful part of Parker's birth -besides Parker himself - was that it was fairly uneventful. After Landon's insane entrance into the world (let me refresh you - water broke at midnight, husband sick and barfing, guest with 6 week old staying the night, back labor, husband questioned for over an hour by US Agriculture for illegal bonsai shipment, stuck at 4cm, doc gone and midwife out sick, baby in distress/oxygen, 25 hours total) all I wanted was to usher my new little bundle into our family under relatively normal circumstances. (although birth really is so remarkable it's hard to use the word "normal" for any birth story). I guess I was just hoping and praying for a drama free delivery and the Lord heard my cry.

Since our families weren't able to be here immediately for Parker's big day we had a few different options layed out for Landon's care when the moment came. However, the best option available was for him to go to our friends down the street. He has spent the night as their house multiple times and I knew I would feel the most relaxed if he was in their care, but they could only have him Friday, Saturday or Sunday. So when my doctor suggested sweeping my membranes the Friday before my due date (my due date was Saturday) I agreed.

Friday morning RJ took off work and I went into the doc at 9am. When he checked me I was already 3cm dilated and he could feel Parker's head. Doc did the sweep and sent me home to either come back to him at 2pm for a second sweep or go into labor.

I immediately felt a bit crampy but no set contractions so we loaded Landon into the stroller and headed out for a long family walk. We walked our neighborhood for over an hour including a stop at Starbucks for caffeine to stimulate contractions (wives tale I'm sure but I was willing to try it). By 11am, as we were heading home, I was definitely contacting. But would they stay? I had been sporadically contracting all week but nothing ever stuck around.

Once home we fed Landon and got him down for his nap. The contractions were coming stronger and faster but weren't yet consistent. I pumped up the birth ball and sat on it in our bedroom watching old episodes of The Office. By 1pm I was feeling the pain and knew it was time to get Landon out of the house.

After seeing Landon off RJ and I debated going back to the doctors office or straight to the hospital. I was sure I was in labor at this point and honestly thoughts of the epidural where already creeping into my head. Once you know the sweet escape an epi brings its hard to be motivated for a natural birth. But I still wanted to try for natural so we decided to head to the doc first.

Doc checked and I was 4cm and definitely in early labor. When he checked me I noticed he did a second membrane sweep. I guess hoping to move things along. I somewhat wish he hadn't bc contractions came strong and steady after that, but I guess I would have gotten to the painful place eventually anyway.

Doc said we could go next door to the hospital but he suggested a walk on the beach to get me further dilated first if I still wanted to try for a drug-free delivery. RJ loved the walk on the beach idea so we headed out. In retrospect I wish I had gone home bc I think I would have felt more comfortable and been able to labor longer.

Once we hit the beach I was at the moaning stage. Can you say AWKWARD whenever people were around! But I still managed to walk for nearly an hour. Finally I snapped. Demanding that RJ drive me to the hospital. I was ready for my epi. NOW.

I was so eager for pain relief I went to labor and delivery with some random hospital volunteer while RJ finished my registration. I walked up to the first nurse I saw and blurted, "second baby. 4cm dialated an hour ago. ready for an epidural."

Bless their souls those women had the epidural going only 45 painful minutes later. (side note: at some point during those 45 min RJ took a sweet video of me documenting my painful groaning and adamant cries of "I will never ever do this again!)

Here's we're things got a bit crazy. When they started the epi I was still only 4cm. Immediately after it took affect and I relaxed, my body began violently shaking. As if I had a terrible case of the chills. Apparently I was working hard bc when the nurse checked me only half an hour later I was at an 8!!! I couldn't believe it!

45 minutes after that I thought I felt the urge to push, but being that my epi hadn't been in for long it was strong and I couldn't quite tell. Sure enough my doctor came in just 5 minutes later to break my waters, checked me and declared that my water had broken and I was at 10!

Being that the epi was stronger than I would have liked it was a bit difficult to push but I still managed to get him out in under half an hour.

Parker took his first gulp of air and started screaming at 5:35pm on Friday, May 11th. It was absolutely wonderful delivering my baby during the day. I felt so present and alert. He was able to begin feeding immediately and since day 1 has been eating like a champ.

6.5 hours of active labor and our boy was here. Praise God for second deliveries being (typically) easier (although the contractions did seem more intense this time.) And I feel as though my body has healed and bounced back much quicker this round - whether it really has or I'm so busy I don't have time to dwell on aches and pains I'm uncertain. Overall, I can honestly say it was a wonderful birth experience. So great or makes me rethink my declarations on that video. :)

(please excuse what is sure to be many typos. Written on an iPhone while nursing!)


Erin said...

I love this! I'm so glad that everything went good and that it was "easy". He's so beautiful. And I agree. Second time around seems to go much easier and usually faster. It's pretty wonderful. Thanks for sharing Anna! So excited to watch your newest little man grow.

Jessica G. said...

Aww, I am so glad things went so well for you this time! I was laughing not only at what you said when RJ was videoing, but also thinking way to go for not punching him for videotaping you while in labor!

Linda Z said...

Thank God your experience went much more smoothly this time around. Every story is so different. It is fun to hear how your little man made his appearance. :)

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