Obviously I've been thinking quite a bit about life with two kids and the craziness of having a newborn around. I'm remembering how I barely felt like I had time for a shower when Landon was first born and now I'll have a brand new baby AND a preschooler so things will be a bit more challenging
Also, being 9 months pregnant my thoughts have been fairly shallow (and somewhat vain) centered around how much sleep I'm going to get and just how worn out I'm going to look. Deep. I know.
So I ask you: if you only have a few quick moments in the day to get dressed and ready do you:
A) do something cute with your hair and go bare faced for the day?
B) do a quick but nice make-up job and then stick your hair in a rather unattractive mom-ponytail?
Life altering question. I'm super curious what you all think about this as I've given it much more thought than i care to admit.
As for the photo: I feel a bit guilty about putting my sons tushy on the web but it makes me laugh and I just had to share.
As a recent mother of a newborn and preschooler I have to say this made me laugh because it's a true dilemma. Most of the time I go for option B but actually just today was wondering if maybe A was a better route. Haha
I tend to leave both out of the equation. Because, if I have time to do one of them, then I have time to do them both.
If I HAD to pick though, I would go with option B.
But don't worry, you'll be okay.
I'm not quite sure what is going on, but that picture is funny!!!
Now on to your question...being a mom with short hair, I always go for doing the hair. I am not a big hat person and can't throw my hair into a ponytail, so doing the hair it is. Though I will say that I personally found the adjustment going from 1-2 kids much easier than the adjustment into motherhood. I have managed to shower every morning since having Isla...the same wasn't true when Connor was a baby. For me I think it has to do with already having a routine going with Connor, so it has more been just adding an extra person into the routine.
Oh tough one... I would definitely do my hair any day versus makeup. Although I will never skip mascara because of my blonde lashes . It takes two seconds to do mascara and is worth it for me.
How about a semi-cute pony, some mascara and lip gloss? I know it's not one of the options but I am a rebel.
Personally, I stopped showering daily way before I had kids. For me it makes my life easier because I don't feel stressed about not having a shower and dirty hair is faster to style. If I worked out daily that might be an issue but most of us don't get dirty enough to really NEED a daily shower. For several months after Cora was born, whenever I did shower it was by candle light. It made it a little more relaxing for me.
I usually always go with option B--no makeup makes me just look even more tired then I already am.
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