those i love

Monday, February 14, 2011

I am super emotional today. Jessica email me the below picture and when I opened it I immediately teared up.

 I am longing to hug and hold and kiss all my babies today. It's so hard knowing that my son(s) or daughter(s) could be spending Valentine's day hungry or lonely or scared. Will he get cuddled today? Is she still living with her biological family or is she alone in an orphanage? Is there enough to eat? I don't even know if he's a lima bean in growing in his mother or a tiny infant sharing a crib with three friends. But I do know that I love her and miss her and long for her.

The good news is that everyday we are getting closer and closer to bringing him/her/them home. I think these next two weeks are going to be huge in terms of completed paperwork. Our Home Study is 90% done (yay!!) and I've collected more than half of our dossier documents. We just need to get a few more things notarized, visit the police station for more clearances and finalize our Home Study. Then we can send away for our USCIS paperwork.  At that point we are 80% finished with the paper chase. Once we're done then we start waiting.

Paperwork is nice in a way because I feel as though I am doing something, but the waiting doesn't start until we finish our dossier. And the wait could be long, so I'm eager to start waiting.

In the meantime i'm going to smoother my handsome husband and sweet firstborn with love today. I'm so thankful to have them within arms reach. They are my cake to my ice cream, the coffee to my morning, the bacon to my eggs. I love you boys.


Jessica G. said...

I love the love that God has given you for your child/ren out there you have yet to meet. I love that you already have tears for them, worry for them, hopes and dreams for them. I think that is so freaking awesome! And I think it is great that your heart is stirred for them because every time it is stirred, it reminds you to pray for them.

And on a side note, what exactly is/goes into a home study? Does someone come to your house? Is it paperwork?

Jennifer said...

I know exactly how your feel. It is amazing that you can miss someone you have never met. Some days the longing is so real it feels tangible :) Hang in there. In the end it will be worth every tear.

Two Cent Sparrow.
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