Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I am thankful for blog friends who don't judge me for being unable to actually post daily and instead need to do a few days at at time. :)

Day 8 -

My 24/7 Family Class

Every Monday morning my friends Amber, Shanoah and I attend a two-hour parenting class. Amber and I must have our children (and ourselves) dressed, lunches packed, breakfast eaten, class materials gathered, and seat-belts buckled by 8:30am. Then we drive nearly 40 minutes with our toddlers to Westlake Village, to drop them off with an amazing child care team, all so that we can learn to be better wives and mothers. 

And I think it's working. This class isn't for the faint-of-heart. It's challenging so many of my natural tendencies (i.e. my self-centerdness) and demanding me to rely on The Bible as my ultimate parenting guide. And it isn't just a quick workshop overloaded with ideas and broad concepts. It is 25 weeks of practical, Bible-centered, realistic, advice, tools and understandings.

The class is taught by Chelsea Cameron (wife of Kirk Cameron - remember the curly haired guy from Growing Pains). And Chelsea isn't just a hollywood mommy who wants to do something "good" with her life. She's the real deal. The woman has never had a nanny and she has 6 kids. Not only that but the first four are adopted and - get this - they are all one-year-appart! At one point the age range in her house was: 6,5,4,3,2,1. Mama Mia that is insane!!! And yet she hasn't lost her mind, she not only loves but enjoys her children, and she has an close relationship with each one of them; and she really love the Lord. I can't believe I get to learn from this woman. 

The class is based off Ted Tripps book Shepherding A Child's Heart, I highly recommend reading it if you are a Mama or Papa. And, of course, get into Proverbs. It's chalk full of amazing parenting advice.

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