25 Days of Thankfulness

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 13 -

Trader Joes

I heart Trader Joes. Big-time. Seriously. 

I hope to one day wear the Hawaiian shirt with pride. Everyone always seems so happy there - and rumor has it they get to sample cheese in the back. 

If I moved somewhere without a Traders my family might starve. 

I hate Vons (or Ralphs, or any of those other big-obnoxious grocery stores), but sometimes I am forced to go to the big florecent-lighted, super-store for a random ingredient. And when I have to got I run in and out as fast as I can - forcing myself not to gag and shake my fist at the rows and rows of packaged, corn-based, processed, boxed, junk. No dawdling. Unlike at Traders where I spend a quality chunk of time pursuing the "new items" section (which is thankfully located near the sample snacks so Landon stays happy too). 

I love pretty much everything TJ's. I feel disloyal stating this but I could pass on some of the produce. However, the cheese, wine, frozen food, dairy, sections more than makes up for the sometimes scare produce. And the prices! You can actually buy parmesan cheese at TJ's without watching a quarter of your grocery store budget disappear. 

Once my friend Bethany posted her favorite Trader Joes items. I love it because she introduced me to one of my new favorites: TJ's frozen turkey meatballs!

So here's a list of some of my favs: 

frozen crushed garlic (so great for cooking)
frozen orange chicken
tofu blitzes (frozen)
TJ's premium coffee ice cream
pomegranate keifer
2% plain greek yogurt (add honey & sliced almonds at home - yum!)
blue cheese slices (great for burgers)
Instant Mac N Cheese (so much less artificial than the stuff at the other stores)
Beer bread (box mix)
Simpler Times lager (so cheap and still a decent beer)
whole grain dijon mustard
garlic mustard aioli 
red pepper tomato soup

I know there are so many more that I'm not thinking of right now. But I would love to know some of your TJ's staples too.


Jess Roy said...

I just want to say AMEN! While we were in Seattle we spent $150 on TJ staples - which will hopefully last us for awhile. :) Miraculous news: The manager of the Queen Anne TJ's said that we're getting one here in Spokane next Summer! Thank the Lord.

The Pinheiro Family said...

So not fair that you and Bethany get to brag on it... and it's pretty much never going to be near me! They have whole foods around here... but the prices get a bit rediculous! (Especially when I have a hubby that has to have meat with almost every meal!!!)

Two Cent Sparrow.
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