Day 3 -
My Happy Childhood
Dad and I throwing in a line |
I'm one of those extraordinarily blessed people who had a very joyful childhood.
My parents have been happily married for nearly 35 years.
As a child I had a sister to fight play with, pets to enjoy,
extra-curricular activities, help with my homework, a safe and secure environment.
I never doubted that I was loved. I knew my parents were proud of me.
My family introduced to me Jesus at a young age,
so I got to grow up secure in His love as well as theirs.
In a world with millions of orphaned, abandoned and abused children
I am realizing just what an incredible blessing my happy, carefree,
loving childhood really was.
Sometimes I wonder why I got to be one of the fortunate ones.
Why did God choose me to be born in the United States,
to John & Jeanette,
and an incredible extended family as well,
who together covered me in protection?
Children do not get to choose the life they are born into.
God is opening my eyes and widening my heart.
My very being is burdened for children who are growing up with so much less than I had.
And I'm realizing that I was blessed so that I might be a blessing:
"Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required"
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after
orphans and widows in their distress"
Orphan Sunday is this Sunday.
Please consider taking two hours out of your day to love on children who need it most.
You don't have to have a plan to adopt to help hurting children.
Go here for an excellent list of way to help.
National Orphan Sunday information can be found here.
And if you live in Ventura/Santa Barbara County go here for Orphan Sunday info and more.
"Children do not get to choose the life they are born into."
So does this mean you don't believe Paris Hilton when she says she chose to be born into her family?!? ha, ha
I would like to say it is a HUGE testament to your parents (and mine) for the sacrifices they gave to give you that childhood. They chose to marry each other and stay married, they chose to love God and show you how to love him, they chose to make you and your sister a priority in their lives and give you happy childhood memories.
Unfortunately I think there are all too many parents out there who selfishly make the wrong choices and don't give their children the childhoods they deserve. And I think the parents that do don't get told enough "good job". So well done to your parents for giving you the childhood you an unbroken home filled with Jesus, love, joy and happiness. I realize this all sounds a bit corny, but I do mean it.
This entry made me feel inspired and made me feel better today =)
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