Best Friends Forever

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The dog and baby combination is SO much fun. And so much work.

Landon loves his Butter dog. And I'm fairly certain Butter is keen on Landon too - particularly when Landon's eating, and dropping, soy hot dogs and cheese.

But RJ is a little less excited about our adorable bundle of fluff. She's having a tough time with house training. Any tips?


Anonymous said...

These pics are so classic! Adorable!!
~Auntie April

Linda Z said...

Precious photos!!! The only advice I've heard on the training is "get new carpet when you're done." Not very helpful!! We just had to be very patient with our pup and close the doors to our bedrooms. Good luck!

SomisSurferGirl said...

I'm dying to see the birthday pics!

Two Cent Sparrow.
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