
Friday, January 1, 2010

The word Resolution doesn't sit well with me. It conjures up feelings of failure. Mostly b/c I am never-ever good at doing something every-single-day. I kiss my husband and baby, brush my teeth, eat, and sleep everyday. And that's about it. Everything else is somewhat willy-nilly. Not too much structure. I don't even shower daily (sorry if that grosses you out. It doesn't bother me at all.) 

Anyway, most New Years Resolution require too much structure. Losing weight asks that I cut calories everyday. Excising, to be successful, requires a disciplined weekly program. Etc. However, I love the idea of New Beginnings. A clean slate. And I love making lists. So, I've come up with a collection of ideas for the New Year. Things I would like to work on and/or see happen. No pressure. Just fun.

1. Play More Music. I seriously forget to put music on most of the day.  But when it is on the entire atmosphere changes. And Landon loves it.

2. Write letters. Who doesn't love getting snail-mail? Such an easy way to bless others.

3. Channel Julia Child. "A little wine for the sauce; a little wine for me." A mistake in the kitchen can always be fixed with a good attitude.

4. Have lunch with RJ. He loves it when we visit him at work. 

5. Floss my teeth more. (It's so easy. Why am I terrible at it?)

6. Read more books to Landon. And do the voices.

7. Style my hair. The ponytail is not a style.

8.  Follow through on my ideas. I am an idea girl; I have "brilliant" ideas all the time - for helping people, for businesses, for written articles, fun for Landon, dates with RJ, etc. I just never actually DO them.

9. Wear jewelry.

10. Set the table with the silver and china more than once a year.

11. Explore where I live. I know there are hundreds of fun things to do around here. I only live an hour away from one of the biggest cities in the US. I've never even been to the Ghetty for crying-out-loud!

12. Give gifts for no reason.

13. Learn to use RJ's camera. The thing is amazing. It takes fantastic pictures and I have it at my disposal all day. 

14. Facebook less; blog more.

15. Love my boys. They already have my entire heart but I figure it can't hurt to try and squeeze out even more. 


Dallas said...

I too suck at #5...

Dallas said...

Also, I think #11 needs to happen with the Amsdens later this spring... maybe even when there's a little Lex to join Landon... hmmm...

Chelsea K. said...

I love your list. Resolutions hold too much pressure. P.S. I don't shower daily either, and it's sooo not gross...I think...

Linda Z said...

Love your "resolutions." Simple and do-able! :) I just got a Le Crueset dutch oven at a really good "seconds" sale. I'm trying to be Julia, too! :)

Two Cent Sparrow.
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