We kicked off the weekend spending him with two of our favorite people:

So, Friday set the stage for our practically perfect Saturday. The day broke sunny and crisp. RJ cooked an incredible egg scramble and the espresso machine foamed near perfect lattes. Landon woke in a chipper mood, enjoyed sweet potatoes for breakfast, and gave Dallas and Meg lots of great snuggles.
After saying good-bye to our friends the little guy and I dropped off some clothes to the Goodwill (hooray for purging!) and did a little thrift store shopping of our own. Thrift store shopping is my new hobby. Now that I have a bit more time to peruse the racks it's super fun. I love the hunt and the thrill of a great find - particularly since the find is usually less than $3! My favorite find on Saturday was a pair of baby sunglasses for Landon (they may be a shade of purple, but you can't complain when the price is $1).
The day continued to get better. By noon is was a warm 72 degrees outside and the beach was calling. The perfect opportunity to try out those new sunglasses.

RJ thought it was time for Landon to have his first taste (literally) of the Pacific Ocean. Landon didn't agree. The day would have been completely perfect if our boy had hit the surf swimming. But do you really blame a naked baby in 65 degree salt water for letting out a few howls?!

What the heck did you just do to me Dad??

The Lord has blessed us richly with great friendships here in Ventura. Beach time just wasn't enough fellowship, so we gathered up a few hour later for dinner. RJ cooked an amazing pasta dish with delicious cod Blair pulled out of the ocean in Alaska a few weeks ago. Adam used his fire fighting skills to make sure the new kitchen didn't burn up with the boys manning the stove (and he made the last minute run to go get tomato paste). These men are such providers.

We had such a great time... Thanks for playing!!!
I love that last picture! So, so cute.
I just posted one on friendship/fellowship, too! So thankful for the people the Lord has placed in my life! :) Glad you have found special connections in Ventura, too! :)
love all the updates anna. your kitches looks incredible, go rj!
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