Running (and more on Landon)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Yesterday I ran for the first time in a year. We found out I was pregnant at the end of July 2008. Prior to pregnancy day I had been running at least a few times a week for 8 years; and before that I was involved in sports since age 6. So the moment those two little lines popped up I told RJ, "Hand me that FREE card, I'm taking a break!" 

So for 9 months I sat around on my tushy. Taking short walks around the neighborhood to stretch my legs and the occasional water aerobics or yoga class, but anything that might actually cause me to sweat was off limits. It was heavenly. 

Until about month 8 - when all I wanted was my normal body back. And I nice long run actually sounded invigorating. But holy-moly was I unprepared for how sore my body would be after labor and delivery. So I pushed off running for at least another 6 weeks - doctor's orders! 

Well, here I am, nearly 3 month later and I finally feel ready. I headed out the door last night and promptly lasted 7 minutes! I thought I was going to die. And everything has changed. My hips are in a completely different place. I actually need my sports bra. I'm looking at a very long, uphill battle. :)


Landon is 12 weeks old today! Time is flying by. He is the most WONDERFUL baby. Seriously, where did that little monster I brought home go??!! Once I started giving him that reflux medication (and sleeping him on his tummy) everything changed. He's so, so fun to hang out with all day.  

Landon has accomplished so much for only 12 weeks. 
  • He started sleeping through the night at 8 weeks old (Thanks to lots of prayer during pregnancy and loose Baby-Wise scheduling.) and last night he sleep for 11 hours! 
  • Thumb sucking. He now consistently finds his thumb and is able to self-sooth. 
  • Smiling spontaneously and some laughing. THE BEST part of hanging with him.
  • Hold objects (including fistfuls of my hair)
  • Loves watching his feet and swinging toys
  • He also loves to "talk" with anyone who will listen and definitely dislikes being left in a room alone (unless he's tired and napping)


Bethany said...

i was just telling someone how being pregnant was a great excuse to not exert yourself and feel really good about just walking. haha. it will be a challenge to get back in shape. so good to hear that you and landon are doing well. 6 more days til our due date!

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you for getting out there and running! You already look fantastic though so don't push yourself too hard too quick. Next time I see you, we'll go for a run together, RJ can babysit.
And I this is not a biased family member comment - he truly is an adorable baby!!!

Janice McLaughlin Areias said...

Anna, April sent the link so I could see Landon's pictures...he is an absolute doll....and growing so fast...cute as a button...God Bless you all...Grant is a thumb sucker (my grandson..11 months) and so was my son Jimmy...they make the best and easiest babies. Keep up the good work ...looks to me like Landon got some great parents....Love, Janice Areias..:-))

The Schmidts said...

Keep trying with the running! It will get easier. I started running in November when the baby was 2 months old and I haven't stopped. You'll get better and you will love the escape from mommyland every once in awhile. -Rhiannon

Jessica G. said...

Okay, I was totally laughing about you "needing" a sports bra now! Way to go with taking the first step and running, even if it was only for 7 minutes.

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