No longer can I claim an appendix.
They took mine out last Saturday night at approximately 8 p.m. I can't say I was particularly sad to see it go - the useless, little thing had been causing excruciating pain for more than 24 hours. At one point, the pain was comparable to labor. That bad.
I couldn't walk, could barely talk, and was laying prostrate on the bathroom floor moaoning... and yet, RJ insisted that it was just a nasty flu bug. :)
All kidding aside, RJ was amazing through the entire ordeal.
Because I had to go into surgery we ended up needing to put Landon on formula for awhile so RJ could care for him. My appendix was so nasty I got an infection and had to stay in the hospital an extra day. It was absolute TORTURE being in the hospital for two nights away from my boys, but I was confident that my little one was being well taken care of. (Even if he did spend most of the day Sunday nuzzled in the "nest" RJ created the back of the Tacoma so Dad could continue the yard work.)
In other news, while I was hospitalized RJ took Landon to his 2 month appt. Our little love-bug is currently 13 pounds which puts him in the 95th percentile. Hurray, for chubby babies!!
Here is a pic of RJ at 8 weeks old. What do you think? Does Landon look like him?

Oh you poor thing! I was always freaked out that I would end up in the hospital when my babies were nursing. I'm glad he took formula for you. My girls never took bottles. Get healed up soon! -Rhiannon
Glad to see you made it thru the surgery and the experience. It is definitely some crazy timing, with you having just had Landon and all.
About the comparison, I definitely think Landon has RJ's eyes. And, the both look similar. Totally cute!
You're right Ana! they do look identical! We will have to talk soon about meeting up, Ryan and I are plotting...
You're right Ana! they do look identical! We will have to talk soon about meeting up, Ryan and I are plotting...
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