I love books. I would eat books if I could. When my husband calls me a "book-nerd" I squirm with delight.
Barnes & Noble is one of my favorite places on earth. Between the coffee, the books and the comfy chairs I could set-up house in Barnes and be eternally blissful. During the years I worked at Barnes & Noble I would go in every since day - even my days off! And I don't think it is a coincidence that I met my husband for the first time at B&N (AND out first converstaion was about a BOOK!).
Books rule my life.
(Seriously. The Bible.)

I love getting a new book. The smell of pages just off the press. Fresh ink. The crack of a brand new spine. The excitement of being the first person to smudge the pages, tip the corners, lose the jacket (I always either lose or damage the jacket beyone repair.), and underline the good parts. But, I love old books too. I love knowing that other people have poured over the same pages. Someone else has experience the emotions of the same literary ride. I love reading another persons notes in the margins of an old cookbook, and pondering why the last ready dog-earred page 102. An well used book is like carring around a collection of friends.

One of my favorite things about books is their acceptance. A book will be friends with anyone. No matter who the person or what the book, the book is always open to whomever chooses to crack its pages. Young, old, fat, thin, white, black... the book doesn't care. It opens its arms and gathers everyone in...and the book helps us do the same. I love that I can have an animated, enthusiatic, emotional coverstation with my 10 year old friend, my sister-in-law, and the Starbuck's barista about Harry Potter. I can bond with the neighbor over the newest bestseller. All in the same day I can stregthen my relationship with the Lord, learn to knit, cook a new dinner, figure out how to better save for retirement, and escape in a mysterious thriller.

I know I've gone a bit overboard with the book love, but I can't help it, I'm a true book-worm at heart.
Let me know if you want any recommedations.
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