Odds and Ends

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

- I accidentally got cleaner on my keyboard and now I can't use the space bar or the shift key. I knew the space bar was a biggie but I never realized how much I use the Shift key until now that its gone. Poor unappreciated little key. (So please forgive what is sure to be a post of errors. I'm typing on my iPhone). 

- I'm on day 4 of solo parenting while RJ visits factories in China. We are surviving. The kids are still clean and clothed. There is only one laundry pile and a few scattered dishes throughout the house. I would say we are doing well. Although I may or may not have stress eaten cookies and chamomile tea after bedtime last night. 

- Landon's big 5th birthday party is this Sunday. We invited 20 little boys. TWENTY! At the time I just didn't want to leave any of his little friends out. But now that the day is  approaching I keep waking up at 1am with nerves. It's going to be a wild ride! 

- I did a Pilates class yesterday and now I can barely move my body I'm so sore. I love that feeling! 

- I haven't been able to download and new photos since my computer is completely full. (Who his why I missed last week portraits.) I was planning on transferring things to an external hard drive today to free up space. Do you need a keyboard for that? I hope not. 

- RJ and I just spent a big chunk of our tax return getting Emergency Prepared. We bought a few months worth of dehydrated food, a solar powered phone charger/flashlight, and a water barrel. We also hammered out our emergency plan for what to do based on where we are (I get the kids, unless Landon's a kindergarten, etc). We aren't doomsdayers or anything but we do think Southern California is prime for a big earthquake sometime soon. 

How about you? Do you have an emergency survival kit? Or think it is even possible to prepare for a natural disaster? 

1 comment:

Jessica G. said...

Just a little camomile tea and cookies?! I am impressed! And 20 little boys is sure to make for a party to remember ;) As for disaster preparedness, we don't have anything now, but we did when we were living in Pasadena. We had a tub with essentials in it.

Two Cent Sparrow.
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