Overall the trip can be summed up as this: the highs have been really high and the lows have been really low.
I'll start with the lows, because I'm an optimistic gal and I like wrapping things up on a hight note.
- Landon getting diarrhea twenty minutes before we left our house
- Emergency bathroom stops on the side of Highway 40
- Highway 40
- North Western Arizona
- Sonic Burger (seriously people - who likes that place?!)
- A stop at a mechanic shop in Cortez
- My baby crawling around a McDonalds floor bc he was desperate to move
- Giving Parker a sponge bath on an In N Out sink
- Finding out our Air B&B rental was not quite what we had expected and spending two nights in some rather ransoms people's driveway ( this was so weird it's a borderline high)
- Landon waking up vomiting at 5am this morning
- Parker catching the same bug today
- RJ taking the van 4-wheeling and freaking me out to the point of tears

The Highs:
- The van hasn't really broken down at all (she went to the shop for alignment) and proving herself worth on 4-wheeling roads
- Waking up after 11 hours of driving to see the Grand Canyon for the first time
- Spending time together as a family with no distractions
- The train museum in Durango. It was free and both RJ and I and the kids loved it
- Riding bikes all day yesterday in a fun mountain town
- Epic Colorado breweries
- Listening to live music and playing corn hole with Landon
- Some of the most awe inspiring scenery ever (God is amazing!)
- Meeting the nicest people
- Finding a hidden little stream and catching a few brookies

Anna! You are in our neighborhood!!! We are from Cortez (sorry about the mechanic) but we spend most of our time wandering the mountains and our hearts are in Telluride and Durango. I hope you have a great time!! Someday you will have to go back and ride the train from Durango to Silverton!
If you get a chance, go to Ouray. Great hot-spring fed pool. Amazing mountains. Yankee Boy Basin is incredible!
My parents are located in Cortez and if you need anything they would be willing to help out. They also have a mother-in-law apartment if you need a place to stay. If you need it, get in touch with me on FB or through Michelle or email!
Hysterical highs and lows. As dad says you r building great family memories..hope the kids are doing better
Love mom
Stomach flu while traveling with kids may very well be the lowest low a parent can achieve... so congratulations, you survived! LOVE Durango and Telluride, looks amazing.
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