Sweet Sweet Summertime

Monday, June 21, 2010

It's the first day of summer,
but at our house we're all turning BLUE

We have been munching on blueberries non-stop for the past 3 days.

On Friday, my sweet friend Ali, invited Landon and I to go blueberry picking at her aunt's ranch. We could pick as many as we wanted!

I got a bit greedy and picked four 1 gallon zip-lock bags full!

I had visions of adorable photographs of my son frolicking through the blueberry plants and stuffing them into his mouth.

Instead he chose to spend most of the outing in his stroller waiting for me to hand feed him goldfish crackers and berries.

We have been feasting on blueberry pancakes and fruit salad.
And I see blueberry muffins, cobblers, parfaits, smoothies
and coffee cake in our future.

Speaking of blue - I'm thinking of getting these for Landon.

Or should I get the red ones?


Jessica G. said...

I am jealous about the blueberries! They are a favorite in the Grimbleby household. They are still really expensive over here, so none for us yet.

As for the sandals...too cute! I would go with the blue, more "manly"!

Annie Brothers said...

I love blueberries. I have 2 blueberry bushes in my backyard and they are so tasty. Have fun with all the blueberry creations!!

I like the blue ones, but my favorite color is blue!!s

Two Cent Sparrow.
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