Dear Stockton -
You're considered one of the worst places to live in California. You're super hot in the summertime and cold and drab in the winter. Your crime rate is ridiculously high. And, to be totally honest, I'm kinda bummed with you today. You're taking away my dear friend and selfishly I really want her back.
Stockton, I hope you know that you're getting a real treasure. She's a super fun gal. And she loves you. God put you on her heart (and her husband's too) and they're following the call. Some parts of you are pretty unlovable, and yet she's coming to pour on the love. I am proud of her. Her heart is yearning to know you, help you, love you, teach you, and see Jesus save you.
Since she's coming to hang out it's important you know some things. She super loyal. Once friends she works hard to maintain the relationship - even forgiving you if you are terrible at calling her back. When she says she is going to pray for you she really does it. And the Lord hears her prayers - you will see your life change.
Her family is her first priority and she's an excellent wife and mother. But, she doesn't let the responsibility of family keep her from having fun! This girl likes to laugh - and her smile and laugher are super contagious. She loves a good party - and is eager to throw one for nearly any occasion. She is both saucy and serious; ready to discuss a section of difficult scripture or enjoy a kids jolly jump.
She enjoys coffee with her sugar, Amish cooking, and bunco bunc-offs. Her face is almost perfectly symmetrical. Ask her about laser hair removal and hanging Christmas lights. She never goes to the store - only to the Grocery. Children love her face and her handmade baby blankets. It is important that you celebrate her half birthday.
She's pretty much the best kind of friend; and you're lucky to have her. Treat her well.
I'm gonna miss you, girl! (btw - in 3 years we took like NO pictures together!)
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